The goal of this post is to be short but sweet. What you have here is a story of how compelling content is the “tie that binds” you to your Linkedin connections (formerly known as your Rolodex).
Let me set the table: We are just starting out with our new business, Topo. The sales person and I are were going through our Linkedin connections to create a list of contacts to re-connect with. We were barely getting through the list when someone on our list shares my content.
I post content multiple times a day to my Linkedin profile. I will get a comment or a +1 here and there. Ironically, the sales person I am working with on this was just asking me about sharing content on Linkedin. Anyway, back to the story: I follow up with a simple message using the content as the lead and thanking him for sharing.
And we have a meeting set this week.
Craig Rosenberg is the Funnelholic and a co-founder of Topo. He loves sales, marketing, and things that drive revenue. Follow him on Google+ or Twitter