I love all the entrepreneurs out there creating applications to manage the various aspects of marketing and sales. Toby Murdock is one of those guys — He is the founder and CEO of Kapost, which provides content marketing software. Content marketing is a great market to be in. I am very excited to see what happens with Kapost. Toby is very smart and very humble. He is literally at EVERY marketing event these days so go up and talk to him — I guarantee you will be learn something new.
Oh, and I am very excited for his Madlibs which are below.
- The b2b buyer is running the show. We are all obediently responding to their dictates.
- The biggest innovation in marketing is the low barrier of entry to becoming a “publisher.” As it no longer requires printing presses, delivery trucks, etc., every marketer must become a publisher to win.
- The coolest thing happening in b2b marketing is winning our Buyers by informing and delighting them, instead of interrupting and annoying them.
- My favorite marketing book is The Definitive Guide to Marketing Metrics and Marketing Analytics by Marketo. I love how now in Marketing we are measurably accountable for revenue success.
- My favorite social media channel is blogging.
- Social media for b2b is a great channel for distribution of content.
- b2b video is something we’ll all be doing more and more of. It is amazing how rapidly the cost of video production is falling.
- In b2b, the idea of a funnel is still relevant despite protestations to the contrary.
- The first thing every marketer should do is think about how to win the attention of their buyer through content that appeals to their interests (as opposed to content that sells our product).
- Content marketing is not a component of modern marketing, it is the essence of modern marketing (though, of course, I’m biased).
- The biggest mistake marketers make is continuing to talk about their own products.
- The biggest myth in b2b marketing is “social.” It is a channel, not a way of life.
- My favorite marketing technology besides marketing automation is a question I’m too biased to answer.
- Besides revenue, the metric every marketer must track is leads.
- My most forgettable marketing experience is sponsoring lame events.
- Mobile marketing is not such a big deal. It’s just what we’re doing, consumed through a different device.
- The next “hot-thing” in marketing will be connecting the dots between content, campaigns and revenue.
- In 2015, marketing will be that much more accountable for delivering results. Those who don’t get on the train now will be in a tough spot.
- Over the next couple years in marketing, I can’t wait to see how buyer-centric content is used not just at the top of the funnel, but through all stages, including retention.
- Madlibs with the Funnelholic is to B2B marketing what The Wealth of Nations was to modern economics.
Toby Murdock is CEO and Co-Founder of Kapost, a provider of content marketing software. Kapost manages the content marketing process end-to-end for such customers as Intel, AT&T and Allstate. Toby lives in beautiful Boulder, Colorado with his wife and three daughters.