Justin Gray is both an amazing marketer and a successful entrepeneur. Fun Fact: LeadMD is not his only company…he has a number of successful ventures. Over the years he has become a good friend and trusted resource for me on marketing, sales, and business in general. His Madlibs contribution is thoughtful and intelligent – enjoy.
1. The b2b buyer is human
2. The biggest innovation in marketing is the effective use of actionable big data
3. The coolest thing happening in b2b marketing is a focus on adding actual value
4. My favorite marketing book is The Art of War.
5. My favorite social media channel is Facebook. As soon as marketers of business solutions learn how to leverage the plethora of data we are all vomiting sonically and how it describes who we are and how we buy we will truly embrace the science of marketing.
6. Social media for b2b is false – there is only p2p. When we break down the notion of shedding our personal selves we are at work we get to the true focus of marketing.
7. b2b video is boring, but could be great.
8. In b2b, the idea of a funnel is killing real progress.
9. The first thing every marketer should do is question everything.
10. Content marketing is a fancy word for proof.
11. The biggest mistake marketers make is doing what they did the day before
12. The biggest myth in b2b marketing is that a prospect must do A before doing B
13. My favorite marketing technology besides marketing automation is Twitter (I feel like that needs a 500 word explanation so if you want a blog post..hint, hint).
14. Besides revenue, the metric every marketer must track is efficiency.
15. My most forgettable marketing experience is anything I learned in college.
16. Mobile marketing is just another channel, all good conversations should be capable of following the buyer.
17. The next “hot-thing” in marketing will be actionable data from “p2p” social around HOW people prefer to buy. Buyer personas will become a necessity facilitated by traditional consumer data merging with “B2B” marketing.
18. In 2015, marketing will be a respected profession – or completely irrelevant. (for the first time we see technology enabling marketing – if marketers meet the potential the space will skyrocket, if they keep screwing up, our validity may be irreparably damaged)
19. Over the next couple years in marketing, I can’t wait to see more and more businesses built, from the ground up on modern marketing principals. It is incredibly difficult to fit last years ass into this years jeans.
20. Madlibs with the Funnelholic is the greatest thing ever.
Justin Gray is the CEO & Chief Marketing Evangelist of LeadMD. He founded the company in 2009 with the vision of transforming traditional “grassroots” marketing efforts through the use of cloud based marketing solutions. Since that time Mr. Gray has emerged as strong voice for Marketing Automation and Conversation Marketing through both industry publications and his Blog, The Marketing Evangelist.